Download ES File Explorer Premium v4. MOD Apk Gratis Full Version
Akhsan07 - Kali ini kami akan membagikan sebuah Software Penjelajah berkas multifungsi dan bagus. Yaitu ES File Explorer PRO PREMIUM Android atau biasa juga di sebut ES Penjelajah PRO For Android. ES PRO Full Version ini di rilis ES Global. ES File Explorer PRO Apk Free Download Merupakan Aplikasi yang sangat berguna bagi pengguna SmartPhone android, ES File Explorer PRO Full Version ini merupakan Aplikasi pengelola Berkas yang memiliki fungsi sangat kompleks dan lengkap, seperti Manager Aplikasi, Ftp, Build Zip ataupun Rar, Remote File Manager, Analisis Kartu SD, dan masih banyak lagi. Tapi yang paling banyak di cari adalah kemampuan dalam menyusun ataupun meng Extract File Zip atau Rar, sebab pastinya kita sudah tahu kan bahwa file-file di internet biasanya berbentuk .zip, .rar, dll. mengapa ??. Di karenakan untuk memudahkan dalam menggabungkan beberapa file agar dapat di upload secara bersamaan, sebab kalau satu persatu kan tidak efektif.
Aplikasi ini merupakan versi premium unlocked, jadi bebas dari iklan yang mengganggu dan bisa dinikmati semua fitur premiumnya secara full version. "Untuk mengaktifkan fitur premium silahkan log in atau mendaftar terlebih dahulu".
App Information
Nama : ES File Explorer Pro/Premium
Version :
Developer : Lakshman
Updated : 23 Maret 2021
More Info : GooglePlay Store
Min Android : 4.4 (KitKat) +
Es File Penjelajah Premium v4.
MOD Premium Unlocked Apk (19,7 mB)
GoogleDrive | ZippyShare | MediaFire | SolidFiles | Mirror
Developer : Lakshman
Updated : 23 Maret 2021
More Info : GooglePlay Store
Min Android : 4.4 (KitKat) +
- File Manager
- App Manager
- Remote File Manager
- Archive manager
- Built-in viewers and players for various file types
- Shows thumbnails
- Text viewers and editors
- Access your home PC
- Functions as an FTP and WebDAV client
- Bluetooth file browser
- Kill tasks with a single click, increase memory and speed up your device
- Cache Cleaner and Auto-start Manager
- Root Explorer
- Supports Multiple Languages
- Other...
MOD Information (Premium)
- Remove Ad
- More to customize
- more theme options
- SD card analyst
- Cloud Management
- File Transfer
- Easy File Manager
- Full Version
- Unlocked Apk
- Other...
What's New ??
V4. :- The account system adds the function of modifying the avatar and nickname;
- Account system password supports special characters;
- Adapt to Android 11 data directory (test phase);
- The ES file transfer station function supports to be closed in the settings;
- The automatic backup function supports backup to FTP server;
- Fix the problem that Baidu network disk login prompts illegal websites;
- Fix the problem that the automatic backup function webdav cannot be backed up;
- Other known bug fixes;
Googleplay Description
ES File Explorer (File Manager) PRO version will continue to provide you high quality and good service as always
With ES File Explorer (File Manager) PRO version you can:
√ Remove Ad an Ad free version
√More to customize updated color panel and more start page options
√More to expect ES File Explorer (File Manager) team will keep improving the app and strive to keep it the #1 most powerful file manager for android.
√more theme options Following Google material design and more theme options coming soon
With ES, you can access your FTP server, Wi-Fi file transfer, Bluetooth file transfer and connect your chromecast device easily.
Highlights of ES File Explorer (File Manager) PRO:
★ File Manager: Easily list any kind of file, libraries for all Music, Picture, and Video files. Connect file on PC, Mac, Linux Server, Phone, Tablet, Clouds
★ File Transfer: Transfer file from PC to Mobile, Mobile to Mobile, Mobile to PC
★ Cloud Management: ES supports Dropbox,, Sugarsync, Google Drive, OneDrive-SkyDrive, Amazon S3, Yandex and many other clouds platforms.
★ SD card analyst: with ES you can analyze your SD card usage and manage files as needed according to the results
Features and Benefits of ES File Explorer (File Manager):
►File Manager: Access to your Phone SD card, External SD card and Phone Internal Storage, Manage your files just like you do on your desktop or laptop using Multiple Select, Cut/Copy/Paste, Move, Create, Delete, Rename, Search, Share, Send, Hide, Create Shortcut, and Bookmark
►App Manager: Categorize, uninstall, back up, create shortcuts to your apps and delete APK files
►Remote File Manager: When this feature is enabled, you can manage files on your phone from your PC, tablet, Mac, Linux Server
►Archive manager: Allows you to compress and decompress ZIP files, unpack RAR files, 7z files, and create encrypted (AES 256 bit) ZIP files
►Built-in viewers and players for various file types: Including photos, music, and videos; supports third-party applications such as Quick Office for efficient and better productivity
►Shows thumbnails: For APKs and images
►Text viewers and editors
►Access your home PC: Through your smartphone via WiFi with SMB
►Functions as an FTP and WebDAV client: Manage files on FTP, FTPS, SFTP, and WebDAV servers just like you manage files on your SD card
►Bluetooth file browser: You can copy and paste files between Bluetooth-ready devices. ES File Explorer (File Manager) supports OBEX FTP for browsing devices and transferring files between Bluetooth devices
►Kill tasks with a single click, increase memory and speed up your device: Includes a simple widget that stays on your home screen to let you know your current RAM status and automatically kill tasks, with an ignore list for the applications you want to keep running. The Task Manager module is required for this feature.
►Cache Cleaner and Auto-start Manager: Delete junk files that take up valuable storage space. The Task Manager module is required for this feature.
►Root Explorer: The ultimate set of file management tools for root users. Provides access to the entire file system and all data directories, and allows the user to change permissions.
►Supports Multiple Languages: English, Russian, Japanese, Korean, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Czech, Hungarian, Ukrainian, Tamil, Catalan, Turkish, Lithuanian, Portuguese and many more...
Additional Information:
1. Please contact us by email:;
2. find us on Facebook at:,
3. find us on Google+ at :
4. For videos about ES File Explorer on YouTube, visit:
(Source GooglePlay Store)
Download Link
MOD Premium Unlocked Apk (19,7 mB)
GoogleDrive | ZippyShare | MediaFire | SolidFiles | Mirror
NOTE !!!
NOTE !!!
Untuk memunculkan fitur premium Silahkan Log in / Mendaftar terlebih dahulu
Official Link : GooglePlay Store
Password Extract (if needed) :
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- Download File Apk
- Jika file berbentuk compressed, Extract file yang telah di download dengan WinRar, jika menggunakan Android bisa memakai Es File Explorer, Root Explorer, atau sejenisnya, Masuk ke folder hasil Extract,
- Jika File sudah berformat Apk, maka langsung saja Install file .apk nya,
- Jika ada peringatan sebelum menginstall,
- Masuk ke [Setting/Security/Centang Uknown Sourche (Sumber Tidak Di Ketahui)]
- Install sampai selesai
- Jalankan dan Enjoy :-D
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